The Board 2024-2025

Bestuur 2024-2025
Martin Schinkel (2023) | Voorzitter |
Hendrik Van Hal (2023) | Secretaris |
Joey James Ray (2023) | Penningmeester |
Wessel Muurling (2021) | Intern Coördinator |
Dear members,
The academic year has been underway for a while now, and we’ve already organized some great activities and Borrels. Of course, we’re also busy planning even more exciting activities and excursions.
We don’t do this alone, but together with our amazing active members. This year, we once again have the international trip and the gala on the agenda, along with other fun events like sports activities, borrels, and, of course, the lustrum week. To thank our active members for their dedication, we’ve also planned an active members’ weekend and an active members’ activity.
Additionally, this year we’re continuing with the Mechanical Engineering Committee to engage our international members with our fantastic association through English-language activities.
We hope to see you at the activities and on campus, and we look forward to making this unforgettable second lustrum year a reality together!
For questions or comments, feel free to reach out to us via, or drop by our office at D1.61 in the Van Doorenveste building.
On behalf of the 10th board of the Technisch Appèl Study Association,
Martin Schinkel
Chair ’24-’25