Become a member

  • 1 Choose membership type
  • 2 Enter personalia
  • 3 Ready!

Dear aspiring Tapp member!

On this page you can sign up to become a member of study asociation Technisch Appèl!

The contribution amounts to €15,- per year and this will be collected via direct debit. This will take place on January 24th. You will receive a reminder 2 weeks in advance. Your enrolment will be tacitly renewed, unless you unsubscribe before the 1st of July by email to noting your wish to no longer be a member.


Are you a graduated Mechanical Engineering student? Then become an alumnus for free! S.V. Tapp offers you the chance to stay in touch with the study and your fellow alumni members. As alumni you will be able to take part in our activities, with the exception of company visits. These activities include drinks, lectures and partner drinks. Do you want to become an S.V. Tapp alumnus? Then sign up below.

PS: When signing up to become part of the alumni, then write down “Alumni + studentnumber” at the part where you need to enter your studentnumber.

Membership type

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